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Back to Being a Ladies Man

He’s my buddy. We do everything together. I can’t imagine a day without him.

— Richard —

Quanic is a 7 year old, gorgeous Malamute with icy-blue eyes.  Found by Richard’s granddaughter wandering as a small puppy around a parking lot in Gonzales. Quanic quickly became a regular in the passenger seat of his dad’s truck on deliveries and the recipient of “lots of attention from ladies!” A normally extremely social and active dog, Quanic started exhibiting lameness, and seemed to be unable to walk suddenly. At first, his dad thought he was fussing because of a foxtail, and the unsteadiness was Quanic trying to expel the foxtail.  He brought Quanic to see the Pet Specialists of Monterey, who quickly diagnosed Quanic. He had a ruptured disc that was causing excruciating pain. The slightest movement send Quanic into a yelping frenzy.

Upon being notified of what surgery would cost to get Quanic walking again, Richard panicked. Knowing the only alternative to alleviate his suffering was euthanasia, Richard jumped into action, trying to raise funds through friends and family on his own.  Richard reached out to Max’s Helping Paws, and we were instantly impressed with Richard’s passion as a pet parent, and love for his Quanic.  Pet Specialists also saw the bond between Richard and Quanic, so we knew we all had to work together, as the surgery costs would be beyond anything Richard could manage on his own.

With all animal welfare and veterinary partners working together with Richard, Quanic had back surgery and a substantial recovery period, and is one of the sweetest dogs we’ve ever met.  He’s feeling strong, and he’s back in the passenger seat!

Richard is also planning a BBQ in the area to raise money for Max’s. Thanks, Richard!

About Our Veterinary Partner:

Pet Specialists of Monterey

<img loading="lazy" class="wp-image-4641 alignleft portfolio-lazyLoad" src="" alt="Pet Specialists of Monterey" width="239" height="79" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 1024w, 768w, 1172w, 150w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 239px) 100vw, 239px" />As the Founding Partner Practice for Max’s Helping Paws Foundation, Pet Specialists of Monterey is the first to offer 24-hour emergency service and a surgical-referral clinic specializing in orthopedic and soft tissue surgery and internal medicine in this area. As a referral practice, Pet Specialists collaborates with other veterinarians – from San Luis Obispo to Santa Cruz County – to ensure the very best medical care for pets. The emergency facility accepts patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Pet Specialists does not perform general animal care, such as check-ups, dentistry, or vaccines.



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