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Noodles, Courage for a Young Boy

Thank you to all the people that have been there for these animals. We have to speak for them.

— Carmen —

Noodles is a scruffy little terrier belonging to Carmen and her grandson, Joseph, of whom she has custody.  Joseph was extremely shy, and had some learning limitations. Getting Noodles as a baby was incredibly helpful for Joseph, and Joseph relies on him for comfort.  Upon noticing a large growth on Noodles’ chest, Carmen leaped into action in order to pay for the aspirate and biopsy. They needed to know if the tumor was malignant so they could prepare Joseph for the worst.

Though not a huge amount of money was needed, and the procedure was a simple one…for Carmen, it was an insurmountable expense. She set up a garage sale and reached out to friends and family for aid. It wasn’t quite enough. Max’s was HAPPY to help Carmen (and Noodles) cross the finish line.  The best news was the growth was not cancerous, and Noodles remains Joseph’s best friend in the whole world.

About Our Veterinary Partner:

<img loading="lazy" class="wp-image-5553 alignleft portfolio-lazyLoad" src="" alt="" width="101" height="128" srcset=" 171w, 119w" sizes="(max-width: 101px) 100vw, 101px" /> Animal Hospital of Salinas teams up with our clients to provide informed, compassionate care to their pets. They continually strive to improve our knowledge, skills, and facility while maintaining a warm connection between staff, clients, and patients.



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