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A Puppy’s Curiosity

It was so scary seeing him sick, I didn’t know how I was going to pay for his medical bill, I just wanted him to be ok.

— Alphonso —

We love them, snuggle them and train them…but sometimes even with the best attention possible…puppies will be puppies! Aries came to his forever home 4 months ago to stay with Alphonso, fast becoming a major part of the family unit. Doing all the responsible measures of getting Aries his initial vaccines and vet care, this family was enjoying every moment together.

In early February, Alphonso became very alarmed when Aries began having less energy and showing signs of weakness. As a 7 month old puppy, this behavior was extremely worrisome. Not sure what was happening, Alphonso began looking for signs of what could have happened, when he discovered an empy bottle of ibuprofen laying on the floor. Realizing Aries must have gotten curious and ingested any pills which were in the bottle, Alphonso reacted quickly by contacting Max’s Helping Paws as well as Blue Pearl (formerly The Pet Specialists) to get Aries the emergency help.

Alphonso shared his work had been limited in the past year and although he had enough funds for the normal puppy care of vaccines, vet visits and home care, he did not have the means necessary for an emergency veterinary visit of this nature. Fortunately, he had saved up $1,500 which could be used for Aries, yet this wasn’t going to be enough for the extended care, and so he reached out to Max’s. Knowing Alphonso was doing everything possible in his power to help his companion, and was qualified for assistance, Max’s was able to provide the additional funding needed to ensure Aries got the treatment he required.

Thankfully, after an overnight hospital stay, IV fluids, medications to counteract the ibprofen and consistent monitoring, Aries was able to make a full recovery into health. Whether it was his vibrant puppy-nature or his will to be back at home with his family, Aries responded quickly to the treatments and was soon healthy, happy and home with Alphonso once again. Next time Aries, only doggy treats for you!

About Our Veterinary Partner:

Pet Specialists of Monterey is the first to offer 24-hour emergency service and a surgical-referral clinic specializing in orthopedic and soft tissue surgery and internal medicine in this area. As a referral practice, Pet Specialists collaborates with other veterinarians – from San Luis Obispo to Santa Cruz County – to ensure the very best medical care for pets. The emergency facility accepts patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


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