Time was of the essence and we could not wait in order to save her life.
— Roxanne —
Many of the clients at Max’s Helping Paws come from extrenuating circumstances that limit their financial ability to provide the additional cost of emergency veterinary treatment a companion may need. Roxanne is one such client who came to us when her beautiful Quila began experiencing signs of no energy, bleeding and discomfort. Roxanne shares her story the best: “Hello, my pet’s name is Quila. I’m disabled with lupus and don’t work, I wish that my baby Quila gets better and I hate that I can’t rush her to the hospital like I would like. She is acting non responsive in a way, not eating and looks very uncomfortable. I’ve been trying to keep her clean and unfortunately, I’m not working right now. I don’t want anything to happen to her, she’s my baby. She looks like she’s hurting and would really wish for financial help because I know the pet hospital is expensive and I really would be sooo appreciative. Thank you so much.”
Roxanne and Quila qualified for our Diagnostic program, which allows for a pet companion to be seen by a veterinarian and receive any initial diagnostic testing needed to determine the cause of illness. With this program, Quila was able to be seen at Monterey Peninsula Veterinary Center where she received medications and tests to start her on the way to healing. Thanks to Roxanne being an attentive ‘pet mom’, she was able to get Quila the aid needed right away, preventing a more serious medical complication later on. We look forward to hearing more about Quila’s recovery soon!
About Our Veterinary Partner:

Monterey Peninsula Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Center is a well-established, 24/7/365, full service, state-of-the-art hospital which is known for providing compassionate pet care as well as for our highly experienced and well-trained veterinary team that possess the ability to provide a wide range of veterinary services in our all-encompassing facility. MPVESC’s many capabilities and service areas exemplify the versatility of our practice, and we strive to be as flexible and effective as possible in all that we do.