I don’t have much money at this moment but my pet will come first before anything. I am so very grateful for people like you and everyone that donates who make this possible for people like myself going through tough times to not go even further behind.
— Christine —
During challenging times, often our beloved companions are the ones who support us the most, offering us constant love and playfulness during times which are stressful. This has been the case for Christine and Jazzmine throughout the past 7 years they have had together. Jazzmine became even more of a comfort during 2020 and some of the financial challenges which arose for Christine. She shared with us, “I am self employed my business is washing windows and cleaning mainly. My work has been greatly effected by COVID due to the several stay at home orders our state had incured over the past year. I’ve had probably over a 90% BUSSINESS LOSS. I am also at high risk due to health issues which has make it nearly impossible to preform my job. I have since lost my place to live, making me homeless.” Through these challenges, Jazzmine has been a joy and comfort for Christine, helping her keep motivated as they continue forward together during a difficult time.
In mid-February, the unthinkable happened when Jazzmine was hit by a truck. Christine immediately took her to Blue Pearl (formerly The Pet Specialists) and applied at Max’s Helping Paws at the same time. She explained what happened, “Jazzmine was hit by a truck earlier today. Luckily she was not killed and I am very grateful for that. However I think she might have some internal damage or something broken as she can not walk at all and yelps when ever she is moved.” Christine candidly shared her hope for her beloved Jazzmine, and her need for support when she went over the estimate of cost with us, “The nurse stated it would be $800 and all we can afford is $200. I am responsible for anything the grant would not cover but my pet needs to come before anything for me.”
When such unexpected crisis happens, Max’s Helping Paws is there! We understand how scary, devastating and overwhelming it is when crisis situations arise like Jazzmine’s. Our Critical Care/Short Term program is designed exactly for these types of situations and we were able to provide the assistance Jazzmine needed to obtain treatment.
From Christine and Jazzmine, “I am so very grateful for people like you and everyone that donates who make this possible for people like myself going through tough times to not go even further behind. I’m not even sure what I would have done if it weren’t for Maxs Helping Paws.”
We’re glad you and Jazzmine are together once again Christine, our thoughts are with you both.
About Our Veterinary Partner:

Pet Specialists of Monterey is the first to offer 24-hour emergency service and a surgical-referral clinic specializing in orthopedic and soft tissue surgery and internal medicine in this area. As a referral practice, Pet Specialists collaborates with other veterinarians – from San Luis Obispo to Santa Cruz County – to ensure the very best medical care for pets. The emergency facility accepts patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week.