Thank you so much for your help!
— Leonardo —
Leonardo was excited and full of love when he brought his new puppy Daisy home 10 weeks ago! Her energy and fluff brought a new level of joy to the family and Leonardo knew he had a companion for life.
Unfortunately, just 8 weeks after bringing Daisy home, Leonardo noticed she wasn’t eating well and was having tummy troubles. Being a responsible pet owner, he took her right away to the veterinarian for diagnostics and exams, spending over $2,000 on trying to determine what the trouble was. Daisy was diagnosed with PRAA – a condition which does not allow food to pass from the esophagus into the stomach. Leonardo shared with us, “She is unable to eat solid food due to PRAA. She initially got treated for worms and Giardia, and has had frequent visits to the vet. Whenever she eats anything solid, she starts crying because it won’t pass to her stomach, due to the PRAA that she was diagnosed with. I’ve spent nearly $2000 on treatments, vaccines, and frequent vet visits, but can’t pay for the surgery. It’s a lot more than I could have ever expected.”
This owner was doing his very best for his new companion and needed some support to ensure Daisy had the needed surgery. Thanks to partners such as The Doris Day Foundation and AWAG, Max’s Helping Paws was able to contribute to the cost of surgery for Daisy, helping to save this puppy’s life. Leonardo kept us updated on her progress and reported “I got her back on Saturday and the surgeon said that the surgery went as well as it could have. She is doing well and I just need to keep an eye on her to make sure she isn’t doing any exercise that could open her stiches.”
A few weeks after this, Leonardo reported again that Daisy is “much better and eating her food normally again”. It is a rewarding experience to be able to assist in providing funds for the treatment needed to save pups like Daisy. Thank you to everyone who support Max’s, and thus the community of Monterey County, by providing second chances at life for companions such as Daisy.
About Our Veterinary Partner:

Pet Specialists of Monterey is the first to offer 24-hour emergency service and a surgical-referral clinic specializing in orthopedic and soft tissue surgery and internal medicine in this area. As a referral practice, Pet Specialists collaborates with other veterinarians – from San Luis Obispo to Santa Cruz County – to ensure the very best medical care for pets. The emergency facility accepts patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week.