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Lucky Lucy

We received the fantastic news that she’s fully recovered and is negative for everything

— Matthew —

With the excitement of the whole family, 8 week old German Shepard, Lucy, was adopted. The person they got her from told them she would be taken to a shelter very soon, so the family made a quick decision to “rescue” this little girl, even though this family had just spent time, lots of energy and lots of financial resource preparing for their move from California to New York.  As a family about to uproot their lives for a new assignment, Lucy’s mom had recently left her job, so they were already one income down.

Less than 24 hours after bringing Lucy home, Lucy became incredibly and dangerously ill, and was diagnosed with Parvo, which many puppies cannot survive.

The family was panicked and saddened that their new puppy was suffering and in severe pain. They felt helpless. As a family in the military on a set income, they also realized the cost would be more than their family was able to provide, so they reached out to Max’s Helping Paws for assistance in making sure Lucy received the veterinary care needed for a healthy recovery. After several very nervous nights, Lucy was able to return home, with her parents telling us that now “She’s asleep at home now, and we will keep you posted on her progress.She’s acting like a puppy again. Thank you so much!”

Update on Lucy:  “Lucy had a great day today! She woke up full of energy and ready to play. She is still recovering as she spent the remainder of the day eating, drinking, and sleeping. The kids are having a blast with her and we are all so happy that she is home. We can’t thank you enough for the part you played in her recovery.”

Becoming an Insta-Star!

Lucy’s family was so excited about her recovery and health…they created her own Instagram page! You can now follow Lucy and her adventures @adventuresoflucillecourage. She’s doing great! Leash training is going really well, trying to teach her “kisses” so she isn’t as nippy. Follow Lucy’s story and continue to see this journey of hope and recovery!

About Our Veterinary Partner:

Pet Specialists of Monterey is the first to offer 24-hour emergency service and a surgical-referral clinic specializing in orthopedic and soft tissue surgery and internal medicine in this area. As a referral practice, Pet Specialists collaborates with other veterinarians – from San Luis Obispo to Santa Cruz County – to ensure the very best medical care for pets. The emergency facility accepts patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week.



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