We are so lucky to have had help from your foundation.
— Elizabeth —
During a year when everything seems a little backwards, the comfort of a furry companion has been the place of solace for many families this year. That has certainly been the case for Elizabeth when she discovered a tiny kitten in a tree in early 2020. Little Milo quickly became a beloved member of the family and has offered support and calm during a difficult year.
Keeping an ever-present eye on Milo, Elizabeth became worried when he showed signs of not urinating properly. Still a growing kitten, it was very troublesome to see he was experiencing health concerns so early on. Elizabeth quickly took Milo to the vet for diagnostics and was told he would need treatments for a urinary tract infection. Knowing her companion needed care, but also being overwhelmed with bills this year, Elizabeth reached out to Max’s Helping Paws.
In trying to do the next best thing for their family, she had shared where additional financial hardships came on top of COVID-19 financial loss: “We had to move to a new place which is more expensive, because the crime rate at the other apartment was very bad. We used most of our savings to pay for all of this. Please help if you can.” Elizabeth and her partner were also experiencing a direct loss of income from COVID-19 and were able to pay for part of the bill for Milo’s care, but needed assistance with the remaining balance. With the support of our donors, as well as partner organizations such as The Doris Day Foundation, Max’s was able to provide the financial support needed for Milo’s urinary treatments.
One of our favorite things at Max’s, is following up with our clients and seeing how they are doing. We were thrilled when Elizabeth reported, “Milo is doing very well and has had no issues thus far after being on the Urinary S/O food. The doctor said he will need to be on this food for the rest of his life. We are closely monitoring him and hope nothing else happens with our little baby.” Wishing you many playful days ahead Milo!!
About Our Veterinary Partner :

<img loading="lazy" class="alignleft portfolio-lazyLoad" src="https://www.maxshelpingpaws.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/400x250-Resource-and-Partner-Logos-1.png" width="149" height="93" /> VCA All Pets provides veterinary services for every stage in your pet’s life, from her first shots to a lifetime of preventive care, to keep her happy and healthy.Our services don’t end at our hospital doors. As a member of the VCA family, our veterinarians have access to extensive medical resources, not the least of which is the VCA knowledge base, which allows our doctors to tap into the collected knowledge of over 4,000 VCA veterinarians.And if your pet ever needs truly advanced veterinary care, VCA Specialty Hospitals are ready to help.