I can’t believe my darling is gone -but because of Max’s Helping Paws and Dr. Marcus’s skill and kindness, I was able to have more time with her.
— Sashay's Mom Sara —
Sashay was a tiny black and white kitten that stole her mom’s heart from the first moment Both Sashay and her brother, another tuxedo, were in a little room at the SPCA set aside for meeting prospective pets. Both went home with their mom, Sara. After 12 blissful years together, during an evaluation with the family’s long time veterinarian at Purrfurably Cats, a large mass was discovered by her left abdomen. Sashay needed to have surgery to remove and biopsy the tumor – this was the only way to know what the future held for Sashay; but the cost of surgery was an unexpected expense. With a long history as a loving, caring pet owner, Dr. Marcus at Purrfurably Cats sponsored her to receive assistance from Max’s Helping Paws Foundation (MHPF), and we were both happy to help, and hopeful for a wonderful outcome.
Sadly, upon running further tests, it was discovered that the mass was cancerous and Sashay passed away, without pain or suffering 5 short weeks later. Sashay’s mother said, “I can’t believe my darling is gone -but because of Max’s Helping Paws and Dr. Marcus’s skill and kindness, she had the best chance ever- and I was able to have more time with her.”
We at Max’s Helping Paws wish every story could have a happy ending, but they don’t always do. In this case, the happy ending was allowing Sashay’s mom to have more time with her, and more importantly, to have all the information she needed to make informed, thoughtful decisions about her great love, Sashay.
About Our Veterinary Partner Who Helped Sashay:

<img loading="lazy" class="alignleft wp-image-5089 portfolio-lazyLoad" title="Purrfurably Cats" src="https://www.maxshelpingpaws.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/334390-pp-logo-png.w400.h150.png" alt="" width="267" height="50" srcset="https://www.maxshelpingpaws.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/334390-pp-logo-png.w400.h150.png 400w, https://www.maxshelpingpaws.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/334390-pp-logo-png.w400.h150-300x56.png 300w, https://www.maxshelpingpaws.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/334390-pp-logo-png.w400.h150-150x28.png 150w" sizes="(max-width: 267px) 100vw, 267px" />Purrfurably Cats is Monterey County’s only feline-exclusive veterinary hospital. We provide cat boarding plus full medical, surgical, and dental services. Come and tour our full boarding suite which includes an exercise condo. For your convenience, we also provide grooming services in the hospital. You only need to make one stop for ALL of your cat’s needs.
